
You have taken that critical first step on your readiness journey: Measuring your readiness.

Readiness has been defined as having the willingness and capacity to implement a new initiative with integrity and quality. In out of school time, readiness is dependent on (1) strong program operations; (2) staff well-being, beliefs, and skills; (3) engaged and informed stakeholders; and (4) intentional practices. Reflecting on readiness before making changes or doing something new can help prepare your program for implementation success.

About This Survey

This survey includes a summary of your reflections from the Ready to Implement assessment. The assessment covers four key areas of readiness: (1) strong program operations; (2) staff well-being, beliefs, and skills; (3) engaged and informed stakeholders; and (4) intentional practices. We used your responses to create a summary report for you to use in preparing your program for implementation success. Please note, your report will only include the areas of readiness that you selected to take at the start of the assessment.

Readiness Assessment Results

Staff Well-Being, Beliefs, and Skills

Staff make change happen. It is essential to consider their perspectives and overall well-being as a key element of your program’s overall readiness. When staff are ready, they experience well-being, see that there is an advantage to and alignment with their personal values and beliefs, and have a sense of self-efficacy and growth mindset – in other words, they believe they have the knowledge and skills necessary to make the change.

Staff Well-Being Strongly Disagree Disagree Agree Strongly Agree
Staff members often show signs of stress and strain.
Staff frustrations are common here.
Staff are less motivated about something new or making a change because of the workload and pressures at this program.
The heavy workload here reduces program effectiveness.
Perceived advantage and alignment with staff personal values and beliefs Strongly Disagree Disagree Agree Strongly Agree
Time spent on this practice is time well spent.
We have a role to play in helping youth develop socially and emotionally.
Self-Efficacy, Growth Mindset, and Perceived Knowledge and Skills Strongly Disagree Disagree Agree Strongly Agree
I have a clear understanding of what it means to engage in this practice at our program.
I have the knowledge and skills that help me engage in this practice.